• Determines the zodiac information for a given Gregorian date


    • date: Date

      A Gregorian date

    Returns Zodiac | -1

    Zodiac information or -1 if the date cannot be converted to a lunar date

    // => {
    // name: 'ox',
    // mate: [ 'snake', 'rooster' ],
    // traits: ['Loyal','Reliable','Thorough','Strong','Reasonable','Steady','Determined'],
    // year: 1997,
    // month: 3,
    // day: 10,
    // isLeapMonth: false,
    // from: 1997-02-06T16:00:00.000Z,
    // to: 1998-01-26T16:00:00.000
    // }
    zodiac(new Date(1997, 4, 8))
    // => -1
    zodiac(new Date('1899-12-31'))